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Summer Camp


Each of our activities extends WLA's mission to provide a superior summer experience integrated with a consistent, Christian approach to fun and learning. 

Our summer camps are open to children who live throughout the greater Houston area and have completed PK3 - Grade 5 during the current school year. 

WLA Camp FLyer by Gabriella Cedillo 

Camp Fees
Cost per week: $300 per week + $50 non-refundable deposit

Add ons: Early Drop Off OR Late Pick Up- $70 per week 

                   Early Drop Off / Late Stay Combo- $130 per week 



2025 WEEK BY WEEK THEMESWeek 1 June 9-13: Cook Learn & Grow Camp: In recent years, a renewed interest in baking has swept both the USA and the UK due to television shows such as, ‘The Great British Baking Show’ and ‘The American Baking Competition.’ This camp provides new recipes for young bakers to practice their pastry making, cookie baking and kneading skills. This camp accommodates nut allergies only. June 9th-13th, 9 am - 12 pm • Ages K-5th

Week 2 June 16-21 Little Picassos: This week we will access our artistic side as we create masterpieces just like Picasso himself! We will have a blast using our creativity to explore a variety of art techniques and mediums!

Week 3 June 23-27 The Great Outdoors: There is nothing more invigorating than a week spent learning about the great outdoors! Campers will get to explore a tent, go on a nature walk, make and eat some smores while creating some super cool crafts using nature!

Week 4 July 7-11 Cook Learn and Grow Camp: CookLearnGrow dishes up Tasty Travels at Summer Cooking Camp. Grab your passport and join us as we stir, whisk and roll our way around the world! Campers will experience global cuisines and culture while creating fun memories, and young chefs leave with boosted self-confidence, creative inspiration and life-long skills. Space is limited and camps fill quickly so register soon!  • 9 am-12 pm • Ages K-5th Grade

Week 5 July 14-18 Under the Sea: Kids will dive in and learn about all things under the sea, including learning about different sea creatures, where they come from, creating some SEA-riously cool snacks, and end the week with a WATER DAY!

Week 6 July 21-25 All things STEM: Campers will be challenged to question, explore, plan, discover, analyze, and understand the world through the lenses of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.


kids working on science project
group working on art project

Frequently Asked Questions

kid working on art project

**REQUIRED Medical & Emergency Authorization Form**

Each camper must have this form on file before the first day of camp to participate. 

Emergency Form


Gaby Struckmeyer
Summer Camp Director